"That the word animal welfare once had to be invented, is probably one of the most embarrassing affairs of human society."
Theodor Heuss

What goals have we set ourselves?
As a responsible breeder you probably set yourself many goals that you want to achieve.
As a "young breeder" we also have a lot of experience to collect, but as always in life: You never stop learning!
We are happy to accept this exicting challange.
We are breeder in the VDH.
In our view it is essential that we only breed with healthy, well-tempered dogs that match our opinion, the Continental Bulldog type.
In our breeding activities, we will always base our decisions on what is best for our dogs.
Our dogs are our focus in life and of course participate in family life. Kennels are no option to us for our dogs.


Our job is to breed healthy, mentally strong family dogs. Of course we are aware that even with the best possible selection of our breeding animals, we will not guarantee our breeding goals.
Since the Continental Bulldog is still in its infancy as a young breed, we as breeders are obliged to further strengthen the breed.
We will face the responsible tasks of breeding with love, ambition and determination.